dim sum

[ˌdɪm ˈsʌm]
  • 释义
  • 点心(中国食品);

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The working and antisepsis procedure of dim sum and cold dish.


  • 2、

    Sausages , steak, buffalo wings , crab legs , brisket , pork dumplings , those chicken legs served at Dim Sum.

    别人喜欢吃巧克力和奶油蛋糕, 这位仁兄则偏好肉类食物.

  • 3、

    I'll take you to Chinatown for dim sum.


  • 4、

    These dumplings are originally Shanghainese so they are not considered traditional Cantonese dim sum.


  • 5、

    But economic liberty candoled out like dim sum at a reception. It is a fundamental right.

    但是,经济自由并不像你在招待会上发放点心那么简单, 它是一项基本权利.

  • 6、

    If you can top Matt, I'll treat you to dim sum on Sunday.


  • 7、

    The following information is provided by the Dim Sum TV and posted by Student Affairs Section.


  • 8、

    Dim sum is ordered from the Dim Sum menu, unfortunately there are no push carts.


  • 9、

    Additionally he has to have good dim sum and Chinese BBQ knowledge.


  • 10、

    There are also some Chinese dim sum recipes inside.


  • 11、

    Other Cantonese dishes include duck feet stuffed with shrimp, roasted goose , and of course, dim sum.

    我们还供应其他粤菜包括虾酿鸭爪, 烧鹅, 当然还有点心.

  • 12、

    I am interested in making Chinese dim sum, cakes and bread.

    我的兴趣是做中式点心 、 蛋糕和面包.

  • 13、

    LORI: No, dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time.

    萝莉: 不是.点心通常是午餐吃的.

  • 14、

    Round tables cramped together , dim sum trollies overflowing with bamboo steamers scampering around them.

    密麻麻的圆桌,杯盘狼藉;茶客摩肩接踵, 点心车上满载蒸笼,好不热闹,挤拥得令人喘不过气来.

  • 15、

    So they picked us up from the airport and treated us dim sum lunch.


  • 16、

    Mother gave me to do dim sum , to help me cut fruit.

    妈妈给我做点心, 帮我削水果.

  • 17、

    When I was young, I liked candies and dim sum very much.

    小时候, 我非常喜欢吃果饵.

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